Alternate title: life_with_executive_dysfunction.jpg

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Special mention to the flowchart, and to the errors raised when trying to perform in Sim-mode (DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT MAIL and "answer emails: impossible" hit so so particularly hard).

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I've maybe never related to something more? Feeling a bit less alone to know it's a shared experience. Thanks. <3

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I can't help but add one extra comment, mainly to say that I relate to this so extremely hard these days, ouch. Sometimes I similarly try to trick myself by just being a Sim, but the curse of it is that it turns anything into a task, including playing games or reading books or similar things, and my whole life becomes an endlessly-filling pile of tasks. That tends to disable a lot of fun or pleasure I used to find in some of them, only leaving the small satisfaction of having achieved one task, and the bitter taste of all the ones that remain... :x But... yeah. I'm trying to take pride in the small wins, too.

Thank you for this comic, it feels like so much support in these trying times. Good luck getting out of that yourself, step by step, and much love and compassion to you.

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Ahhhh I relate to this so much.

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wheeeee executive dysfunction! sometimes i make a list of things i need to do and give it to my partner and he’ll pick 3 for me to do first. accountability + avoiding decision fatigue! woo!

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I just learned about "doom boxes" - those boxes of STUFF that need to be dealt with. I hadn't even considered it but I have at least a half-dozen of them around the house, plus not one but two doom piles of clothes. I just look at them and think, I need to deal with this, and then I get anxious about what to do with it all and it doesn't get done. I have no idea how to force myself to manage them but it needs to happen.

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Yeah. I'm at the point where doing, like, a single task not related to my employed life is a victory. It's hard to see it as such, but starting to recognize that if I am constantly seeing myself as a terrible person for only doing X when I know Y and Z also need to be done, I'll probably never get there in the end either.

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God, with ADHD I completely understand that web of thoughts. I deal with that several times a day.

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I should try to make a flowchart like this one to explain why it's NOT easy to do those "simple tasks" that everyone else seems to do easily.

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This is _so_ relatable :/. I need to try pretending I'm a Sim, maybe it can help a bit.

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Please don't remind me... tomorrow I need to get rid of hundreds of cardboard boxes lying in the garage. Mostly things purchased years ago, so they are out of warranty and the box is irrelevant.


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oh wow look at that it's a mood

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You are not alone. You got this.

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I see you ended up with some konmari after all! (Those folds! I use them, I love them!). It really is about those *not so* minor accomplishments. My ADHD and executive functioning disorder love these loops and breaking them even for one task is like slaying a damn beast. So, dubbing you a goddamn dragon slayer for each task accomplished 😊

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Oh and to be clear. I consider “start by putting the clothes you want to give away into a bag” an accomplished task (broken into “maybe return to friend” bag —crying existential crisis optional). Then fold other clothes (+1), put them away (+1), and then and only then am I allowed to brainstorm what to do with what’s in the bags 😂

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Oof this one definitely hits

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