Ah. Look, if you're going to call me out, just @ me next time, okay?

Seriously though, *hugs* I get having a brain that's after you with a horsewhip and doesn't accept "But my body doesn't work like that anymore!" as a reason.

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Oof the part about sleeping now and taking care of yourself and still trying to get things done is so fucking real.

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The US school system forces us to conceptualize ‘average’ as unacceptable. Only ‘above average’ and ‘excellent’ are acceptable. Not only is this impossible, reaching for it is self destructive. Our economic system is built on the same principle. It’s why our planet is dying.

American capitalism is all about pushing to burn out. Taking time for health cuts against the grain. Often there are penalties for doing it the healthy way. This is drilled into us as children and as adults we battle with it.

Our system is pathological from the top down and part of fighting it is embracing genuine rest. When was the last time we relaxed with intent to not be ‘productive’. Even look at that word, ‘productive’, the act of producing. Why must we chisel ever aspect of ourselves into optimally efficient entities?

I say let us strive for health and let us build a strong routine of self care because not only do we need it but also we rely on it as a basis for all else. I say let us strive for joy over creation; if we are building a society, are we doing it for ourselves or some nebulous concept of an industrial machine turning out product, product, product.

Let us embrace radical rest, radical joy, radical love. Let’s put ourselves first and give ourselves the chance to breath and do things the non-optimal way. Beyond all let’s give ourselves opportunity to see who we become and how much we can love life when we put our work second and ourselves first.

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I 100% agree with this. Being “not good enough” to get the career I want and being forced to work jobs I hate has made me feel lesser than other people who have achieved material success in their line of work and it makes me feel like somethings wrong with me. Like I’m too lazy or not working hard enough and that other people worked harder to get where they are than I am and I’m just trying to get out of that toxic mindset

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This is so ADHD

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I really relate to the part about the impossible standard of the romanticized version of me at my peak and wallowing in shame when I can’t meet it. I feel it definitely makes me hate the things I used to love and why I avoid getting started on art projects.

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Yes yes yes yes

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Yeah I always have to remind myself that "My Best" is like a rare natural phenomenon and that I gotta get better at recognizing my limits instead of managing my time by what I think a neurotypical person would be able to accomplish in that time instead of ME

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I-- The thing about holding oneself to impossible standards of an idealized version of oneself. This means so much. I started the comic just giggling about clothes ravioli (the little 'v' sends me still), but wow, this ends in such a relatable way... I wish you to be able to, let go of all these standards about being constructive/productive/useful. I. Thank you for these drawings. Once again I'd like to pin the whole ending of the comic to my bedroom wall.

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Oh my goodness I would love to pin all of the endings of these comics to my walls!

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nate this is very thoughtful and funny and real and also maybe a hint that you *really* enjoyed Good Omens season 2

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We just gotta get Angel!Nate to do the apology dance

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I feel this in my very soul... >_<


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Always so relevant. It’s so hard to find self direction again when you’ve been drifting in the currents of larger problems and projects.

What do I want when there’s no checklist in front of me? I get pulled in so many directions and build up these huge ideas until I don’t start at all and there’s this persisting gnawing fear I’ll let my life drift by if I keep giving into that habit of just crossing off objectives. I keep settling on the only way to get the momentum back is to just get going again, it’s just a matter of bridging the distance between our Id and Superego and starting anything.

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GET OUT OF MY HEAD. For real, though. This is EXACTLY what I have been going through. It's uncanny! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone (and I'm not crazy... or wait maybe I am?)

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Wow, that went somewhere I wasn't expecting, but can relate to.

Imagine I'm hugging you right now,... actually that's awkward so don't imagine me... just get someone to give you a hug.

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oh wow this sure popped up at the literal exact moment i needed it :') same hat

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Thought it was funny when I got the email notification because "vigia" in Portuguese means "lookout", so I wondered what it meant in English and now I know!

On another note, I relate to this so much hahahah

Also loved the naked little demon

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Lol Yeah, I was like "Wait, look out for what?? What is gonna happen to me?? 👀"

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I actually have a note where I write a conversation between two parts of myself, am I crazy? Hell, yeah (but also, it's a pretty good way of understanding yourself better)

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i know this is nonliteral but as a plural person God this is relatable

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I’m in this comic and I … don’t know how to feel about it.

As another trans guy with ADHD (adult Dx) and bipolar, Nate, your work SO often makes me feel seen.

This is a piece of ADHD that’s so rarely discussed, but something I’ve struggled with for so long.

I hope that putting these feelings on the page helped you put them down. And I’m glad I have something I can show others to explain my experience.

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