not the twink we deserve, but the twink we need

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I'll drink to that! :D 🍻

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Finally the truth is out there.

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I see you, fellow Old Spice Alpine scent user. But seriously, life is so much more fun when you ignore gender boundaries. I feel really lucky to have realized that at any point in my life.

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damn son!

super fun as always, thank you!

specific things i love:

-- having a nemesis

-- "i am the bombshell!"

-- the word "buxom"

-- "top surgery is the best thing i've ever done"

-- "SOLD"

-- silly masculinity!

-- "shower products shaped like whiskey"

-- "it can actually be fun"

-- "THIS IS WHY THEY HAVE SUCH SKINNY ARMS?!" <-- victoria's REAL secret?

thanks again! super fun and meaningful!

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Obsessed with Victoria’s real secret. What is she hiding in there (noodle arms)

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Embracing the old spice "man" scents that are THE SEA or TROPICAL DAD have been an amazing revelation for me 😌✨️

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Boys looks so good in lace too... so many r missing out... Tragique

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No forgiveness here either. I'm never going to forget finding a bra there that was not only padded but had nip bumps in the padding???? You can make this but gonna pretend my cup size doesn't exist on real people??

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oh my god ND I love you so much this is such a big mood

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If anyone knows what v.s. set that might be, id love to know 👉👈 its so hard finding cute/pretty/sexy underwear and lingerie after top surgery bc everything seems to have cups built in, so this seems like itd be perfect :' )

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Hell yes, my dude. I have never even bothered with V.S., their stuff is just not made for my body. However, I LOVE seeing people live their best life, so I am happy you found this set and I'm sure you look fantastic in it! ❤️

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DUDEEEEEEEEE you rock the pink lace so hard nate, i wish i could too but alas i cannot ;(

"why was i born with such a hot body and such a stupid head" is such a mood, i hate how my stupid my body was from the get go and also hate vs (both for being a stupid brand and profiting off of my body issues!! fuck you vs thanks for making my life hell 🥰)

keep going on and show off your masculinity in all of the ways it makes you feel good - that's literally what it's for! and thank you for being another positive role model in this world; your existence is ultimately your own but reading your comics has got me through my own gender struggles and i truly believe it's done the same for so many others <3

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Thank you for sharing your hate. I too hate Victoria secrets but because im both large and small at once! Want sexy undies??? Here have these tiny ones that say they are xxl and are more definitely not. Have tiny boobs ??? Whoops sorry you are not allowed to have small boobs and a big bum. Too bad for you. Also here this bra made for a 12 year old child ( which incidentally ( and perversely kinda ) is *not* any less sexy than adult bras ) it will fit you except because you have small boobs you cant also have a large ribcage so haha never mind. Jokes on you. Anyways….. ( i may just be off loading my issues of being fat in a skinny fashion world but like i was quite small at one point ( a size 6!! I myself am shocked! I was an actual adult! - im size 16/18 now so boo buuuuut) and the bras *still* didnt fit- my ribcage was actually just too big- going up a cup size was too big also. So yes. Fashion needs to work on sizes.

But on the gender front: as i tell my small child- theres no such thing as boy clothes and girl clothes- if you wear it and it looks and feels like it suits you then thats the right thing. ( also if gender is a construct anyways - which in my opinion it is- then exactly that-does it really matter what you wear if you choose to ignore the binary construct?- also gender can be a construct but there can also be the feeling of masculine/feminine- i think its more like a description of how it feels/the vibe it gives off? Like when you can tell someone’s emotion even if they don’t directly say the emotion- you know what it feels like but you are basing it on feeling- i feel like gender is like that- its not solid its just like… i dunno a vibe- so who says it has to be consistent?? Therefore who says that you have to stick directly to being one or the other- go by how you feel ( or maybe by the reaction you want to incite - like if you go for a job interview, maybe not the best time to talk in depth about gender politics but maybe it is if you want to be up front or your audience is cool with it ) anywyas this was a ramble but yes. Hello ND i heart you and i use you to explain to family why talking about gender politics should be discussed at a young age ( ie it exists and also needs to be brought up for kids to understand that it exists- not know about gender politics can be confusing if you are questioning and don't know how to voice it)

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When i saw this my brain immediately started singing ‘(i know) victoria’s secret’ and now its stuck in my head help

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There's something so exhilarating in seeing you enjoying masculinity and yourself the way you do <3

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I love and empthise so very much! Thank you for this. It's so good to see I'm not alone❤️

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I'm so happy for you!!! :D

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If VS is your nemesis, then I have a song for you:


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