I just gotta say, this is my my very favorite newsletter and is probably the only one I open every single time it pops into my inbox. <3

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gotta let that tuna get a nice room-temp crust on it first

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My kitty is like this about packets of chips. Just shoving her whole face into my hands as I try to open them

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I laughed so hard, that happens every time with my cats LOL

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A perfectly captured Fig

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I'm picking up two kittens later this month and I just know they're gonna be absolute rascals. So excited though!

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Mine wants to touch her little wet nose to every single thing I make or open. Even a small potato chip that she *knows* she won't want, she wants to touch it. Refuses to smell it from a centimeter away, it must make physical contact with the nose - and then because I am weird I don't wanna eat it cause now it's got wet nose on it.

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my cat has the same vibes except she would have just accepted the small offering lol

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our tiger cat LOVES the water that comes in tuna cans. I will put it in a bowl for her and she's like "this is the best day of my life." Our other cat acts like she wants it and then when given some is like, "ugh what, this isn't wet food. I refuse."

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I love kitties, but I'm relieved that rabbits can't get on to the counters. 😆

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