I. I. Thank you.

It may sound a bit odd, but, there are some of your blog posts I'd like to just, stick to the wall of my own bedroom, to be able to read them again when I need it, to find strength or comfort.

This is definitely one of them.

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"I do not know why gender matters so much, and yet not at all." This line lands on me pretty hard

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I identify with all of your gender comics so bad. It feels warm to know I'm not alone in those feelings. You don't know me and I only know you throught your art, but reading this makes me feel safe. Reading you is like being sad and happy at the same time. Thanks for sharing, you don't know how much it means.

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"like being sad and happy at the same time"

Yeah, definitely! It's a weird, visceral, heart-gripping but comforting feeling... A strange blend of empathizing through hardships, and feeling seen and understood at the same time.

I couldn't help but think "we could name it by fusing the words sad and happy! Like... sappy! Wait no. Nevermind." x)

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Glad that someone understand my feelings!! Sappy... hahahahaha

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I also have no idea why it matters so much but also not at all. So much mattering/not mattering. It’s exhausting. It’s almost like I have to just take a step back and admit that it matters to me, and that’s enough for it to matter.

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When I think of myself, I have no gender. The only one that feels good is none at all. I can not decide on pronouns for the life of me. They all feel wrong, like trying on shoes you know don't fit, but you put them on anyway because everyone expects you to. I'm just me, and I wish that was enough.

All of this just to say, I really appreciate these posts. Thank you for sharing these thoughts with us. I appreciate you so much. I've been following your work since the beginning and I am so happy to see you become more and more you.

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these essays hurt and heal in just the right ways for me. i just want others not to care, and see *me*. both the boxes society presents for me to fit in are too small and strangely shaped, and the other residents stare as if I'm an intruder. and they always have.

I've been on hormones six months now, and the changes I wanted are starting to appear, and internally I feel so much better, but it's hard to face the ones I don't, as if my body is reminding me that my culture only wants me to choose one.

but still, despite that.... part of me enjoys watching people puzzle me out from behind my mask. That my presence is a challenge, and makes them a little uncomfortable... like all the years the world made me feel the same.

I have never found a more kindred spirit in my struggles. thank you so much for these posts - they have made such a difference in my life.

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I love this. I used to see your twitter and see someone who had it all figured out - envying the surgery, the certaintly, a lot of things. This is a beautiful reminder that there's always more going on than what's on the surface, and whilst progress is to be celebrated, transitioning is always a process. Thank you for sharing this!!

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Sorry for waxing poetic, but... It's really easy for a lot of us to get lost in the feeling that we're alone experiencing all of these confusing and conflicting things, and that feeling conflicted and confused means everything we think about ourselves is wrong; that we're not trans enough, we're not trans in the right way, or we're not really trans at all. Your posts here are a hearth of comfort and reassurance. You gather us. I think a lot of us come here to warm up and remember we're not alone and we're certainly not wrong. I hope you know how important your art is.

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This was poetry. You're so raw and bare in this comic. You help so many others (myself included) by exposing your truth to the public, which I can imagine is no easy feat. I am publicly going through my own transitioning journey as well (though, I'm nowhere near as known as you are lol) but it's tough, scary, exhilarating, and confusing. Thank you for being so honest with us. Each of our worlds are so much better because you're in it

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fuck yeah get that gender!!!!!!! sometimes its a painful and bloody process but throughout it all we're just finding ourselves, right? keep at it <3

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This and a lot of your other comics about gender resonate so deeply with me and to then scroll down and see im the comments that there are so many others with similar experiences makes me feel so.. idk understood i guess? So thank you so much for that

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We will still be here for you, though. Happy trails.

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All of your comics hit so close to the heart for me - but this one in particular I connect with so deeply. Thank you so much for sharing your story 🖤

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My best and only friend is a trans dude.He told me on my seventeenth birthday and I didn't know how to react.Had been until my 18 years living in a religious environment that cleared didn't prepare me for anything apart from "the Christian family". Following you and your journey not only helped me understand my friend and make him feel that he can count on me for whatever he needs,but also made him feel that he's not alone,he's going through this knowing that somebody else is also following the same path (he's also follows you here)

We've been much closer in comparison of what we were in our teens, after following you and your personals POV's.And for that......for that my friend,I only have to thank you

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It's like you took every thought out of my head and put it in this comic. Thank you for sharing this

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