And here it is, the very first comic I'm forwarding to my therapist.

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I met “outside Nate” at a convention and you were so kind to everyone. It means a lot but please give yourself some grace and don’t push yourself too hard. Our private lives need space too ❤️

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this is terrifyingly relatable

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So, SO relatable.

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Same, Nate. Sending hugs! <3

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Brother, we are also searching. Hope you find some balance/peace soon!

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This, this is definitely the vibe lately

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I wonder, can't we all see ourselves in this a little? And isn't that such a problem? This is so needed and appreciated! <3

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As a fellow Burnout King: ........ 🫠🥴🥲💗

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This is me too. It's exhasting and I break down into a puddle of goo. I rolled into a conference in Dallas one time with the first three books of a series I hadn't read and stayed in my room reading (3 days!) until it was time for my talk. I've tried to be better to myself since then. I try not to beat myself up for not going outside for a few days. I plan the "ON" me times as carefully as I can. Take care with the OFF me. I'm not saying I got it figured out, I don't. I'm trying to be nicer to myself. \/('=')\/

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dear ND,

this is beautiful.

love "you're just borrowing from yourself."

AND the ending.

surprising and delightful!

thank you for sharing!



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This is scarily relatable. I hope that Inside Nate gets to take a breather, and I hope this for everyone else here that relates to this too <3

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Yes, except flavoured with disability and masking rather than being on tour 😂

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Love this!! This is the feeling I have as an introvert because I can be outgoing and as a teacher I need to give a certain type of energy to be successful. Needing to recharge is real and it's so nice to see those thoughts and needs so beautifully shared. Thank you.

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