Sisterhood of the traveling pants should have a remake called misterhood of the traveling binder

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😆 okay but seriously I love that idea

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You have assembled your Council of the Wise*. Now they will advise you in all situations.

*Not Jimmy.

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75% of my brain is usually MST3K and the other 25% is every other song/show/movie/book I've ever consumed. There's a lot of trivia, quotes, and just duuuuumb shit in there. Yay ADHD brain 😆

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Same hat!

God forbid somebody set me off on Jaws...

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I deeply understand all of this but really felt that last panel.

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My deadname is relatively uncommon (in spelling at least) so I just now learned there’s a character with it lol

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This needs to become a thing

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this is my brain on ADHD

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THE RITZ CRACKERS LINE!!! it hasn't left my brain since I first read it in middle school 😭

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the internet has taken oven my brain as well

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U got me. Always taking good advices from everywhere.

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