Are they contributing to the rent? Do they have ceiling pets? How do you know you're not the ones who were upside-down? I have so many questions!

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This is my thought too I’m like ok realistically I don’t spend too much time on the ceiling but like rent free is for memes and philosophical conundrums

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my goodness!

what DO you want to do about the ceiling people?

and what do THEY want to do about YOU?

this real estate market is unreal.


thank you for sharing as always!

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Unreal estate is too real tho they’re in a frenzy out there

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*noms popcorn*

Spooky season tho amiright

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Terrifying-fascinating. I love dreams.

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Yo Nate... You're a master storyteller. You're a master visual storyteller. You're a master draftsman. You're a master with notan and staging and getting ideas across with the bare minimum lines. A master of simplicity and appeal. A master at composing pictures... What the heck! You're a master, period.

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The ceiling people. Okay no.😬😬😬😬

... When I was little I often claimed there was "a man with a brown sweater" living _on_ the wall on the second floor. As if he could only move along the wall. I've come to understand that's also pretty chilling to hear😅.

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"The ceiling people"

New fear unlocked!

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Maybe they removed the second floor to put space between them and the ceiling people. *Ceiling person smacks ur butt as u go by like when you pass a cat and they claw at you* that’s IT this has GOT to end.

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This gave me literal pause. My mother had Lewy Body dementia, which unfortunately involves having hallucinations (which are eerily similar amongst people suffering from the disease). The first hallucinations we learned of were about the mirror-image house attached to her house, populated by "people" who stole her money (among other things). I'm on the verge of starting work on a graphic memoir about her dementia and our relationship. I'm not an experienced comics artist (more a painter) but I did start experimenting with the genre (while working toward an exhibit that took place last June) because it seemed the best way to tell my/her story... so much crazy shit happened. Here's my attempt at telling that particular scene back in 2020... after this piece I busted out and started doing wall-size memoir comics and looser, more painterly scenes: https://balampman.substack.com/p/one-night-in-november-2012

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I have a pretty good idea about what all of us will be dreaming off tonight.

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They seem like unobtrusive roommates!

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Kinda reminds me of the Winchester house in California stairs going nowhere, doors opening up to brick walls, and just weird stuff all around

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the first thing I thought when I saw this was "oh do you have a carousel in your attic too, or the weird add-on back of the house that twists and sways alarmingly?" because those are both *extremely* persistent recurring features of houses in my dreams...

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This is giving me Stranger Things vibes lol

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This is the best dream ive ever seen. I definitely would've woken up in a cold sweat though if it was me having it

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It's just Cody Carson and Set It Off band, waht do you mean???

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