HAHAHA I read nimona for the first time when I was 13 and I was OBSESSEDDDDD with it and made everyone I knew read it. Also completely unrelated I’m trans now

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lmao same i couldn't explain why but i wanted to tell everyone about it

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Same 🤣

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"There's a shark with boobs in it and they gave me a medal for it," - XD

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People need to be talking more about the "obsessed with the definitely fictional just for fun shapeshifting character you made up" to trans pipeline.

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Oh god lol the ultimate queer milestone: HINDSIGHT. Lol once you hit this you know you are no longer a baby queer but the big Q.

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I had a similar revelation with being bi/pan. That and also realizing that I’ve never Really considered my gender as a thing to be concerned with- just i am me and people call me she/her but like… that somehow being called it outside myself is a separate thing to being she/her by other people.

( lol my realization moment what literally this: me to sister: hey, know how when you’re younger and you just don’t notice your own gender and just feel like you’re your just you?

My sister: no.

My husband: no.

Me: what. Thats not a universal experience? “)

In other news: i came out to my mum as Bi and she, who literally just bought a pride shirt to show support, did not take it well.

Hows Pride Month goin’ for y’all?

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That’s *not* a universal experience? :/ OK then.

I maintain it’s the others with their weird mental gender sense who are the weird ones…

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BUD, indeed! :D Somewhat related: when my daughter started reading Nimona, she was almost 10, and I used it as a way to check in with her about her gender and have a conversation about it! One of my favorite things about being a parent here and now is being able to say “hey if you want to be a shapeshifter... it is DEFINITELY possible!”

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Yaaaay! Go supportive loving parents!!!

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Been here since the days of dwarves on leashes and I had a print of baby Nimona and her dads that hung in my office for years and years. Everything about this delights me, and I cannot wait for the movie. I’m so happy for you, Nate.

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Oh bud.... So happy that we're here now

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Oh bud 😂

Well, I definitely /had/ (and still /have/)a lot of Nimona feelings way wayyyy before I had the words to explain any of my gender queerness. So thanks for giving all the eggs a place to point when words failed.

Genuinely hoping the movie gives us a way to go to connect with other unresolved queers in the same was She-Ra did. (I’m convinced it will). So excited to see your funky lil dude run across the screen!

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Isn’t a shark with boobs a blahaj…?

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YES, the tumblr archive dive is always so fun and surreal! 10 years ago I was just a baby gay watching Utena for the first time and shipping Korrasami without a clue it would actually happen! It’s so wild looking back! Clearly Nimona was always a metaphor for transness and queerness in general even before you really understood any of that, and that’s just super cool. We are often able to express our truest selves through our art before we can any other way and that’s just the magic of creating! So proud of you and so excited for the movie!!

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and that medal is very well deserved. <3

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Tremendous. This is my new favorite ✨

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Like 13-yr-old me saw your name on the cover and was like 'no wayyy ND's made other stuff as well as she-ra?? well ofc they have but omg I have to read this right away!!' and ADORED it the rep was so good!!

can't believe I never noticed the gender queerness of it all loll but back then I basically knew nothing except that I liked girls

also 'there's a shark with boobs in it and they gave me a medal for it' made me laugh XD

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You were in so deep

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Thank you so much for writing Nimona, it's my favorite book!

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