I feel this a lot. Somedays you feel like you can do anything, other days you ask yourself why you even got out of bed, because you can't do anything right. Music is a surprisingly big help all around. I notice many if not most of these songs are also on your She-Ra playlist on Spot.

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It's so striking how this adds yet another layer to both The Fire Never Goes Out and your drawings of burnt sequoias.

As always, thank you for your vulnerability and your strength, for sharing parts of your vault.

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I appreciate you sharing this, N. My brother is bipolar 1 and he often feels afraid and isolated because of it. He means the world to me, so I’m constantly searching for new ways of understanding him and his experience. This helps ❤️

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For some reason I was just thinking about Fire by Kimya Dawson (whom I just learnt had been half of the Moldy Peaches!) and suddenly realized that that song, although much calmer than the ones mentioned here, may be somehow relevant for this post, so I'm sharing it just in case. It helped me keep my own fire alive and focused on what mattered, at times, so maybe it'll help other people too.

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I'm bipolar and feel this so deeply!!! I really struggle with the "what if I'm making all of this up" but when I get to see my feelings this accurately represented I feel that a little less. So powerful to put words to the feelings, especially when they're the words of Queen

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I'm glad that you shared this. I read "The Fire Never Goes Out" and I felt this. I had the clarity when I finally tried medication. It felt like a breath of fresh air but it also reminded me there's still something burning deep inside of me. I have Bipolar II and hearing that someone like you is successful, brave, and vulnerable helps make it hurt a little less.

I relate to this feeling and I'm very thankful you shared this. It's a powerful admission and it feels like it's an admission of weakness for me. Like it's a point that people can needle in and find a way to disassemble me. Some of them do. I sincerely hope you've found love and comfort in those close to you in this truth inside of yourself.

The fire really does pulse and burn and leave me with a hollow feeling, so I feel a camaraderie in your writing and your self expression.

Thank you for being brave.

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I don't know how it's possible but I feel like I relate to every comic you come out with. I won't go into my details because this is about you but I will say that my day job is being a mental health counselor and a diagnosis can be so helpful in providing answers as to why you are the way you are and yet, so destructive as though it's this label you must bare (which isn't true) and many people have misconceptions of what "popular" diagnoses actually are and look like

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Damn... So true.

IDK if bipolar also but this is my day-to-day I swear. Such intense confidence followed by such intense 'the exact opposite of aforementioned confidence'.

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Also bipolar, so so So SOOO true

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So true, clinical terms are just that-clinical. Even though two people are diagnosed as massive depressive doesn't mean they are experiencing the same thing. In fact, they could be viewing the world from within two completely different hells. Thats why I would never tell someone who suffers from the same 'mental illness term' as me, but I will share my experience and what works for me. In the end we have to find our own balms.

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Nailed it.

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