Strong "Duncan Idaho" vibes from Bruce Delaware lol

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I was sure it was Bryce Dallas Howard! The human mind is a tangle of rubber bands

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Doing a end of week catch up and the one about belief hit me so hard I thiught about get a panel tattoed. Then I saw Bruce Delaware. Ive already sent it to my artist...

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Oh no. Bruce Delaware wipes knowledge of all names.

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Carmen Sandieg-who? Where in the world is Bruce Delaware

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Call it a curse but this is what happens when you're too creative.

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jajdhdj this is so funny 😂

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That was so cute x)

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i have variations of this conversation with my partner all the time 🙃

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And thus, a meme is born.

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Did anyone else have to google to see if Drew Barrymore was in Titanic, as like, Rose's friend and you just forgot about it? (she wasn't)

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this is giving core memory vibes

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I snorted reading this

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This is hilarious and amazing and so very, very me...

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OMG You need to give ink and flesh to Bruce Delaware!

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