May I recommend (full disclosure, I’m a Cis woman, but pls trust) the Dylan bra from Girlfriend Collective as a not-a-binder. I’m a 32C and if I wear a size a little smaller than my usual, it makes me flat as a pancake. Even in my usual size, it’s pretty darn flat (and much more comfortable to wear). Their clothes can be expensive but they have regular sales and are available in secondhand groups, plus it’s a very sturdy material
now we see your true colors: a blog, creative work, being a prominent cartoonist, marrying another prominent illustrator
all to get Del Taco to bring back the Queso Taco Crunch Wrap
Godspeed you crazy bastard
May I recommend (full disclosure, I’m a Cis woman, but pls trust) the Dylan bra from Girlfriend Collective as a not-a-binder. I’m a 32C and if I wear a size a little smaller than my usual, it makes me flat as a pancake. Even in my usual size, it’s pretty darn flat (and much more comfortable to wear). Their clothes can be expensive but they have regular sales and are available in secondhand groups, plus it’s a very sturdy material