This is beautiful, and so relatable. I just watched a video the other day about when different colors entered the language in various ancient civilizations: black and white are always first, followed by red, then green and yellow (sometimes green first, sometimes yellow), and then blue. And then presumably other colors like orange and purple, but those weren’t talked about in the video I saw. And whether or not we have words for a color actually affects our ability to perceive that color in the world — not that ancient civilizations literally couldn’t see blue, but they thought of it as a “hue” of black. Reading this comic, I can’t help but feel like gender is much the same way: male and female enter the language first, and everything else gradually trickles into our collective perceptions after that — and right now we as a society are only just beginning to differentiate those as their own “colors” rather than seeing them as “hues” of male and female. Of course, just like with colors, the in-betweens will always exist: beautiful, complex, and undefinable.
This is beautiful, and so relatable. I just watched a video the other day about when different colors entered the language in various ancient civilizations: black and white are always first, followed by red, then green and yellow (sometimes green first, sometimes yellow), and then blue. And then presumably other colors like orange and purple, but those weren’t talked about in the video I saw. And whether or not we have words for a color actually affects our ability to perceive that color in the world — not that ancient civilizations literally couldn’t see blue, but they thought of it as a “hue” of black. Reading this comic, I can’t help but feel like gender is much the same way: male and female enter the language first, and everything else gradually trickles into our collective perceptions after that — and right now we as a society are only just beginning to differentiate those as their own “colors” rather than seeing them as “hues” of male and female. Of course, just like with colors, the in-betweens will always exist: beautiful, complex, and undefinable.
this is so easily relatable!! my favorite colors are like my gender- WHO TF KNOWS I LIKE ALL OF THEM.